Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I really enjoyed reading this essay by Annie Dillard. She uses her adjectives so eloquently and I really feel like I am at the pond with her as she describes the swans and the pond in which they land. I'm not someone who is passionate about nature and loves to spend every waking moment outside, but this essay really makes me want to just go outside and observe nature. The way she describes how she sees things makes me want to see this way, as well. I just want to go and marvel at God's beautiful creation.
I think that this is a very good example of an observing essay. She doesn't just state what she sees and leave it at that. She relates it to her life and the fact that she loves to observe things. I like to observe, too. My bedroom at home looks out over a parking lot to a grocery store and I seriously sit there for hours sometimes just watching the people as they go in and out of the store. It amazes me at how people act, even in public, when they think no one is watching them. I'll admit, I feel slightly creepy for just sitting there and looking at these total strangers, but I love to do it so much. I never even thought about writing down what I observed. I wonder if I would realize something while writing down my observations, maybe even realize something about myself. I can't wait now for the next time I can just sit there and observe and write about the people I watch.
I really like the part where Dillon describes her little "ends of the worlds." I think it's funny because what tweleve year old doesn't like to feel like they're bigger and better than something and that they can destroy things. I like the fact that she kept doing the same thing over and over again and never go bored of it. It shows that she has such a passion for looking at things. And the fact that she can put this passion into writing and share it with the rest of the world leaves me in awe. I really admire her passion and her ability to share what she loves in her writing.

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